A breath of oxygen for our Planet

La sostenibilità è un fattore fondamentale nelle scelte di acquisto dei consumatori digitali: 7 italiani su 10 sono sempre più attenti alle questioni ambientali, mentre l’80% ritiene che le aziende debbano considerare il tema della sostenibilità nelle proprie scelte di business. La Logistica non può più fare eccezioni.

Last mile, first in pollution

Si stima che il traffico merci contribuisca tra il 20 e il 30% all’inquinamento dell’aria nelle aree urbane, mentre i veicoli per le consegne di ultimo miglio rappresentano quasi un terzo del traffico totale delle città. Mezzi che viaggiano spesso semivuoti e che in media rientrano al magazzino con il 12% delle merci non consegnate. Per ogni consegna non finalizzata il viaggio risulta essere doppio, così come le emissioni di CO₂. L’ultimo miglio è il tratto che impatta maggiormente sull’ambiente rispetto all’intero processo logistico!


GEL Proximity’s commitment to lowering emissions

GEL Proximity is a sustainable solution to the problem of logistics-related pollution. How. The use of Pickup Points and Lockers not only guarantees 100% delivery, but is a viable alternative to Home Delivery. This eliminates empty trips and reduces the number of trips due to the parcel collecting system, with significant benefits on CO₂ emissions.

With the support of GEL Proximity you can make your eCommerce and Logistics more sustainable!

Read articles on Sustainability

5 May 2022

Dark stores and q-commerce: how urban logistics are evolving

The new frontier of eCommerce is q-commerce, based on ever-faster deliveries and ever-higher consumer expectations that require a new organisation of the entire logistics process to be fulfilled. Underpinning the success of this model are Dark Stores, urban proximity hubs that make it possible to reach the end customer within a few tens of minutes, but at what cost to environmental sustainability?
16 February 2022

How to create a sustainable eCommerce: 5 useful tips

Secondo una stima del World Economic Forum, entro il 2030 sulle strade delle 100 città più grandi del mondo ci sarà il 36% in più di veicoli per le consegne con un conseguente aumento del 30% dell'impronta di carbonio dell'ultimo miglio. Come garantire quindi un servizio più sostenibile? In questo articolo 5 consigli utili da mettere subito in pratica
19 January 2022

How to decarbonise last-mile logistics

The last mile is the most polluting stretch of the entire logistics chain. In fact, it is estimated that freight traffic today contributes between 20 and 30% of air pollution in urban areas. So what solutions can concretely help decarbonise last mile logistics? From electric vehicles to pick-up points, in this article we take a closer look at four of them

Learn about GEL Proximity Plans

Decide whether you want to rely entirely on the experts at Last Mile to provide your customers with the best shipping and storage services in Proximity, or whether you want to use only the retainer services of the enabled Collection Points


Choose which Pickup Points to enable in your territory and activate only the warehouse services. If you are a carrier you will continue to ship using your fleet, if you are a logistics operator you can use your carrier agreements.

  • use your corporate fleet
  • use your personal contracts with couriers
  • enable shipments and returns at thousands of locations
  • filter locations and choose where to enable Points
  • enable insurance services for storage only
Discover STORAGE

Rely on GEL Proximity for total last-mile shipment management. You can allow your customers to customize package pickup and return by choosing the Pickup Point that best meets their needs.

  • use GEL Proximity’s pre-negotiated rates.
  • use your personal contracts with couriers
  • enable shipments and returns at thousands of Points
  • set your own warehouses, boxes and schedules
  • enable insurance services on your checkout

The largest library of integrations dedicated to Proximity services

Integrate over 200.000 Pickup Points in just a few clicks and get ready to manage new logistics solutions. You can connect GEL Proximity using our dedicated libraries and APIs or by downloading the module from your eCommerce software’s marketplace.